We had our 18 week Fetal Medicine appointment this week. The beginning of this journey was so scary worrying about our littles being in the same sac and all the other complications that can come with identical twins, but this appointment was almost nothing but encouraging! God is so good, sometimes it blows my socks off! Our girls, GIRLS! look great! They are right on track growth wise at 9 oz. each. In fact they are now measuring a day BIGGER than their due date. (Oh my if we are headed for 2 Isaacs :)
They were moving all over the map, kicking each other, flipping around, all kinds off mess that make it fun for the dr.'s to chase them around for measurements.
They only potential complication they saw was baby A seems to have a tiny hole in her heart, but the cardiologist said she's not even worried about it. At this stage it is most likely going to close up as she grows, but even if it doesn't it won't cause serious complications and will most likely heal itself after birth. We are going back to see the cardiologist as 28 weeks for a better look when their hearts are more fully formed.
So far there is no sign of TTS, or any type of nutrient stealing. They didn't even recommend us come back to the specialist unless our normal OB sees something at our appointments.
I wonder if at a place where so many people have to go for complications, it was nice for them to give some parents some good news!
So now comes more prep work for these little people. I am currently packing up the boy clothes, although I'll still hold off on handing them down for a couple more weeks for them to make double sure these girls are really girls, but the Fetal Med Dr. had no doubts.
I have had to change my picture location to in front of the pantry due to there now being an Ikea kitchen in the former area. Maybe next week I will get around to posting pictures of the progress we have made on the house so far especially thanks to my awesome in-laws Gwen and Andrew! But for now I have to catch up from the holidays, whew.
Thank You all for your prayers. I am just amazed at the miracle of these little people and feeling more and more excited about their being here!