Sunday, April 5, 2009
Lowell Kindinger
In October we found out that Luke's grandpa, Lowell Kindinger, passed away suddenly and unexpectedly in an accident. It was a really sad time for us and Luke's family. Luke and I made the almost two day drive to Ohio. All of the leaves were changing on the trees, so it was a long but beautiful drive.
The memorial service and funeral were a celebration of a life well lived. Luke's grandfather was one of the most compassionate and giving men I had ever met, and the turn out showed how much he meant to so many people.
Even when carrying the casket the grandchildren couldn't help but have smiles on their faces, which would have made him happy because he never lacked a smile on his. He is greatly missed.

I was able to meet a lot of the family that I had yet to, and see some places that were significant to Luke growing up. We also got to visit with one of his friends from PNG and see her house and the wonderful chickens that they had. i just had to get some pictures for my mom.

This is something new I have been messing around with lately. Having a bit of fun with all the magazine textures I tend to collect. Starting making these to send out as a thank you for the gifts from the wedding. A BIG thanks to everyone who did give us gifts and helped with the wedding preparation and clean up. We are so very blessed by the generosity of our friends and family.

Fun cat picks!
Introducing the cats was an interesting event. We are a blended family now and the kids don't like each other too much, although it has gotten MUCH better. One of Inde's favorite things is to be either in or under something, so we tested this with some junk mail that we were going through. How much could we bury the cat?

whew, long time
all right so it's been a while, well a very long while... a lot has happened and I can't catch it all up, but I am going to post some fun things that have happened to us since we have been married.
First off some great pics from a new paper place in North Park.

First off some great pics from a new paper place in North Park.